Sarah Durham (00:02): Hey everybody. Welcome to today’s webinar. I am Sarah Durham, and I am going to briefly introduce my colleagues. They will talk a little bit more in a minute and also we’d love you to introduce yourself as people start to arrive. If you are comfortable doing so, you’ll see a …
Read more ยปTagged: drupal vs wordpress
AdvoTalk: WordPress or Drupal? Which is right for your nonprofit?
WordPress and Drupal are both popular and powerful content management systems with unique features. This Advotalk will help you get clearer which one is right for you.
Read more ยปDrupal, WordPress, or Joomla? (A Trick Question)
I was recently asked my opinion of whether to use Drupal or one of those other ones. I was going to just write a flippant reply, when I realized I’m not actually qualified to answer the question. I have never personally used WordPress. I read a comparison of it and Drupal some years ago, and …